Great Big Canvas

Large Abstract Wall Art

With tens of thousands of satisfied customers in more than 110 countries we are the world’s largest supplier of Made-to-Order Oil Paintings!

Our talented artists have created hundreds of thousands of paintings for art lovers around the world, as well as clients that include the Royal Family, major hotel chains, luxury cruise-liners, museums, interior design firms, the largest real estate developers, Hollywood production companies and many more.
We only hire the most talented artists, use the best materials, maintain the highest level of quality control and provide the best customer service possible. We understand that doing business on the Internet can sometimes be difficult so we do everything in our power to ensure that your shopping experience is a most positive one. Our paintings are backed by a 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee, a Lifetime Warranty and are delivered by courier free of charge.

Large Abstract Wall Art

Each painting is created by hand using only the finest canvas and oil paints available.

But don’t just take our word for it – we welcome you to read our 1000s of recent testimonials which were all sent to us by customers just like you.

The Certificate of Authenticity which arrives with every painting provides an assurance and verifies the authenticity of the hand painted fine art reproduction you purchased.

Please browse our extensive knowledge and support center to learn more about how our paintings are being made, about our artists, our management team, our facilities, the ordering process, and much more!

In the past 9 years, we has worked a lot with interior designers, decorators, stagers, builders, contractors, etc., the more we work with them, the more we feel we can do better for them.

This is our original intention to build the website, to make our client’s work easier and more efficient. As long as client picks a painting, we can always adjust the size and shape to fit their specific requirements.

we study and work hard to make our artwork a highlight to your home. Learn more about our TEAM.